We offer our clients a wide range of segregated fund investment options with growth potential and financial protection. With a variety of asset classes and product features and the flexibility needed to build a customized financial plan that will helps our clients reach their investment goals.

Segregated funds, like mutual funds, are market-based investments. A large pool of money belonging to many people is invested in stocks, bonds or other securities with the goal of increasing the value of the entire pool.  However, because segregated fund contracts are insurance contracts, they have special benefits that mutual funds do not.

  • Segregated fund contracts guarantee 75% to 100% of your premiums (less withdrawals) when the contract matures, or on your death. Some segregated fund contracts also offer income guarantees.

  • Money invested in segregated funds contracts may also be protected against seizure by creditors. This can be a big advantage for business owners and professionals wanting to protect against an unexpected lawsuit or bankruptcy. Consult your tax and legal advisors for details.

  • Segregated fund contracts purchased with non-registered money let you name beneficiaries, so the death benefit bypasses your estate and goes directly to them. You can also control how they get the benefit: as a lump sum or in the form of a payout annuity.